Our Philosophy

At Alfred Nuttall Memorial Kindergarten, we acknowledge, celebrate and include Indigenous cultures in our programs.

We value indoor and outdoor play spaces as equally important for play and learning.

Our program fosters a joyful celebration of childhood where learning is fun.

Our commitment to sustainability is embedded in our everyday practices and in our teaching.

We uphold equity and all children’s right to a high quality education.

We embrace cultural, social and developmental diversity, and value each child as unique with individual qualities and needs.

Our programmes and services are provided in a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment.

Our open-ended play spaces support children’s different learning styles and provide opportunities for creativity, investigation, exploration and imagination.

We are committed to establishing and maintaining respectful, collaborative relationships between children, families and educators.

We embed children’s voices on our program and emphasise their rights to be listened to and valued.

In partnership with families, our educators work together to ensure the best outcomes for children and to complement, enhance and extend on children’s learning and development at home.