We Are Committed to Child Safe Environments

At Alfred Nuttall Memorial Kindergarten (ANMK) we champion a child safe culture. We are committed to every child’s right to be and feel safe at all times.

We achieve this by:

  • Promoting the cultural safety of Aboriginal children by providing a safe, nurturing and positive environment where they can comfortably express their culture, spiritual and belief systems whilst being supported by people who respect their Aboriginality and encourage their sense of self and identity.

  • Promoting the cultural safety of children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds by paying attention to children’s diverse circumstances.

  • Promoting the safety of children with a disability by promoting accessibility and providing education to children and parents.

  • Fostering a culture in which children feel well respected, highly valued and properly cared for.

  • Providing an environment in which each child is encouraged to participate, express their views and to learn and develop.

  • Zero tolerance towards child abuse. Any allegation and safety concern will be treated seriously and in line with our robust policies and procedures.

  • Prioritising the interest, safety and wellbeing of the children at all times.

  • Actively managing the risks of abuse or harm to each child. This includes fulfilling our legal and moral obligations and upholding our duty of care to protect children and prevent any reasonable, foreseeable risk of injury or harm. This also includes contacting authorities when we have concerns about a child’s safety.

  • Continuously improving the way ANMK prevents child abuse through maintaining specific policies and implementing training that supports the ANMK staff, committee and volunteers to achieve these commitments.

Our Policies

To ensure the Kindergarten provides high quality programs and practices and meets required regulations and quality frameworks, the Committee of Management and Staff have developed Policy and Procedure Documents which guide all aspects of the Kindergarten’s operations. Policies particularly relevant for families can be found via the links below.

Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations

Administration of First Aid

Administration of Medication

Anaphylaxis & Allergic Reactions


Bush Kinder

Bush Kinder Risk Assessment

Child Safe Environment and Wellbeing 

Child Safe Commitment

Code of Conduct

Compliments and Complaints

Dealing with Infectious Diseases

Dealing with Medical Conditions

Delivery and Collection of Children

Determining Responsible Person


Educational Program

Emergency and Evacuation

Enrolment and Orientation

Environmental Sustainability

Epilepsy and Seizures

eSafety for Children

Excursions and Service Events 

Fees – Free Kinder

Food Safety

Governance and Management of the Service

General Definitions


Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness

Inclusion and Equity

Information and Communication Technology

Interactions with Children

Nutrition, Oral Health, & Active Play

Mental Health and Wellbeing


Participation of Volunteers and Students

Policy Review Guidelines

Privacy and Confidentiality

Regular Local Community Excursions Risk Assessment

Sleep and Rest

Road Safety and Safe Transport


Staff Recruitment

Sun Protection

Supervision of Children

Tobacco, E-Cigarettes, Alcohol and Other Drugs

Water Safety